Welcome to the Path of the Kingdom Midwife

Kingdom Community

Interact and inquire with Kingdom Midwives and others on matters of kingdom midwifery. Covering inquiry on interactions in the ministry field and management of lifestyle for Kingdom effectiveness.

Members Only Discounts

Receive member discounts for midwife activities and events, including published materials.

Become a member of the Kingdom Midwife Cohort

Learning the historical, biblical, and spiritual context of the kingdom midwife and its placement within the church. As well learn and discuss its relevance in the kingdom of God, the spreading of the gospel, and the edifying of the church.

  • Application Deadline


    Completion of Cohort application with all attachments are due.

  • Monthly Meet

    2.21.25 7:00-9:00 PM CST

    First Cohort Meeting, link was provided in confirmation link.

  • Monthly Meet

    3.28.25 7:00-9:00PM

    Meeting of Cohorts, come prepared with response and inquiry.


  • The Bible reflects the kingdom midwife as an offensive and defensive servant of the Lord. Equipped with a skills that aid, protect, and defend the seed of the faithful and the vision of God, kingdom midwives are essential for further growth of the church and advancement of the kingdom of God.

  • You will engage in learning that traverses the journey of the midwife from the Bible onto her relevance in the world and further into her place in the church and her relevance in the kingdom of God. From the view of scripture supported with historical references directed by Holy Spirit, as a member will grow in knowledge, wisdom, biblical and spiritual strategy. Drawing into the depth of the gospel, the kingdom of God, and the church, one’s life and their service to God and people are enriched.

  • Engaging in lively conversation, biblical exegesis, prayer, supportive community, a member would find themselves in the midst of a cohesive community that seeks their realization of God’s will for their life and their calling. Apostolic, prophetic, and practically implemented, this cohort is an experience of vitality and hope.

  • Discounts are applicable to in-person engagements, our annual conference, as well as published materials and resources and merchandise.