Check Your Binding
Life and circumstances bind us, Judah was held up and then he chose to bind himself. What do you discern holds you and what will you choose to bind yourself to?
Genesis 44:30-34 (references from chapters 42, 43, & 49 along with John 15:13)
The Midst Conference
Join us for the spiritual embrace of our Father that will leave us forever aware and changed. Ushered in by God's revelation and power, the beauty of San Antonio will serve as a beautiful backdrop for your moment of embrace. With speakers and workshops, we will experience God being in our midst. Register Today
Intercessory Prayer Training
Intercessory prayer is not the few sentences mentioned before an activity nor a statement, “I’ll pray for you.” Intercession is an intentional act of service to stand with someone and for someone in skilled and focused prayer. Learning to pray for others is like learning to cook for oneself.